
Smart fluid handling to take you forward,faster


By CPC, dated July 18,2019

隨著公司的快速發展,我們的公司總部近來人聲鼎沸。隨著銷售額、雇傭水平和生產量以驚人的速度增長,CPC于2019年7月18日開工在明尼蘇達州羅斯維爾市Roseville新建一個價值2600萬美元的總部和制造廠,距離我們現有的工廠僅幾英里。我們計劃在2020年夏天搬入這座新大樓。新場地將有超過13.2萬平方英尺的空間,比目前的位置多出5.5萬平方英尺,可在線路下方再擴建4萬平方英尺。該建筑將包括一個潔凈室無菌設施,以補充位于CPC目前在北公園總部附近的現有潔凈室。另一個特點是可以容納幾十名學員的培訓室。Our corporate headquarters is buzzing these days as the company experiences rapid growth. With sales, hiring levels and production volume increasing at dramatic rates, CPC broke ground on a new $26 million headquarters and manufacturing plant in Roseville, Minn. on July 18, 2019, just a few miles from our current facilities. We plan to occupy the new building in the summer of 2020. The new site will have over 132,000 square feet of space, 55,000 more square feet than the current location, with the capacity for an additional 40,000 square feet of expansion down the line. The building will include a clean room sterile facility to complement the current clean room located near CPC's current headquarters at North Park. Another feature is a training room that can seat several dozen participants.

“我們需要一個能代表我們的技術創新組織的建筑,” 總裁珍妮爾·威特邁爾說。我們在一座1960年代風格的建筑里。我們正在成長和增加員工,我們希望有一個能夠提高我們吸引和留住員工能力的環境。該建筑將有一個協作空間。我們將提高效率、生產力和員工敬業度,”她繼續說。"We need a building that represents the technically innovative organization that we are," President Janel Wittmayer said. "We are in a 1960's style building. We are growing and adding employees [and] want an environment that improves our ability to attract and retain people. The building will have a collaborative space. We are going to improve our efficiency and productivity and employee engagement," she continued.

到2020年夏天,CPC估計在新的羅斯維爾工廠將有400多名員工。這座新大樓是CPC不斷追求卓越的象征,也是CPC不斷投資取得成功的象征。這一成功也強烈反映了您、我們的經銷商合作伙伴和CPC之間的關系。新設施是我們今天共享的繁榮和即將到來的激動人心的未來的一個很好的例子。By the summer of 2020, CPC estimates that it will have over 400 employees at the new Roseville facility. The new building is emblematic of CPC's ongoing commitment to excellence and its investment in continued success. This success also reflects strongly on the relationship between you, our distributor partners, and CPC. The new facility is a great example of the prosperity we share today and the exciting future yet to come.


有關CPC新大樓的更多信息,請點擊此處閱讀7月21日《星報》周日版的文章。For additional information regarding CPC's new building, please click here to read the article from the Sunday, July 21 edition of the Star Tribune newspaper.



St. Paul business could get more than $4 million in subsidy for $26 million Roseville move
JULY 22, 2019 — 4:24PM

CPC Colder Products Co., founded in 1978, is consolidating sites in St. Paul into a new, $26 million facility.

Colder Products Co. (CPC) of St. Paul, which operates from three facilities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, broke ground last week on a $26 million plant in Roseville near Interstate 35W and County Road C2.圣保羅的Colder產品公司(CPC)在圣保羅和明尼阿波利斯有三家工廠,上周在羅斯維爾35W州際公路和C2縣道附近的一家2600萬美元的工廠破土動工。


“We need a building that represents the technically innovative organization that we are,” President Janel Wittmayer said. “We are in 1960s-style buildings. We are growing and adding employees. We want an environment that improves our ability to attract and retain people. The building will have collaborative space. We’re going to improve our efficiency and productivity and our employee engagement.”“我們需要一個能代表我們的技術創新組織的建筑,”總裁珍妮爾維特梅爾說!拔覀冊20世紀60年代風格的建筑中。我們正在成長和增加員工。我們需要一個能夠提高我們吸引和留住人才的能力的環境。該建筑將有協作空間。我們將提高效率、生產力和員工敬業度。”

Wittmayer expects to employ up to 400 workers at the new 132,000-square-foot plant within about a year.威特邁爾預計在大約一年的時間內,將在這座新的13.2萬平方英尺的工廠雇傭多達400名工人。

The two buildings being vacated amount to about 75,000 square feet. The several-acre site also includes room for a 40,000 square foot building expansion.這兩座空出的建筑面積約為75000平方英尺。占地數英畝的場地還包括一個4萬平方英尺的建筑擴建空間。


CPC, which is owned by publicly held Dover Corp. of Downers Grove, Ill., has increased sales by 11% annually over the last five years. The company declines to specify its financial performance.CPC由伊利諾伊州唐納斯格羅夫市的多佛公司(Dover Corp.)持有,在過去的五年里,該公司的銷售額每年增長11%。公司拒絕具體說明其財務業績。


Wittmayer dispelled speculation that the expansion to the St. Paul suburb was driven by government subsidy or an escape from the rising minimum wages in St. Paul.威特邁爾打消了有關圣保羅郊區擴張是由政府補貼或逃避圣保羅不斷上升的低工資的猜測。

President Janel Wittmayer of CPC


CPC’s starting wage for unskilled workers is already almost to $15 an hour, where the local minimum wage is headed within a few years.CPC對非熟練工人的起薪已經接近每小時15美元,當地的低工資將在幾年內達到。

The company’s experienced manufacturing workers make more than $20 an hour, with scientific and technical professionals earning $30 to $40 an hour or more.該公司經驗豐富的制造業工人每小時工資超過20美元,科技專業人員每小時工資在30至40美元之間。

She added that the company also is considering moving some production from China, where it employs about 50 people, to the new plant in Minnesota. At one point, CPC was considering moving some work to China.她補充說,該公司也在考慮將一些生產從中國轉移到明尼蘇達州的新工廠,中國雇用了大約50名員工。有一次,CPC正在考慮把一些工作轉移到中國。


CPC will vacate two connected facilities on Westgate Drive in St. Paul. It will continue to operate a “clean-room” sterile facility “a stone’s throw away on Malcolm Street in southeast Minneapolis.CPC將騰出位于圣保羅西門大道的兩個相連設施。它將繼續在明尼阿波利斯東南部的馬爾科姆大街上經營一個“潔凈室”無菌設施,這是一個石制的垃圾場。


CPC could receive more than $4 million in subsidies, about 15% of the total project cost, from the city of Roseville, Ramsey County and the state of Minnesota, provided it meets hiring projections.CPC可以從羅塞維爾市、拉姆齊縣和明尼蘇達州獲得超過400萬美元的補貼,約占項目總成本的15%,前提是滿足招聘計劃。

The CPC project replaces a “visually blighted” and polluted site with old tractor trailers and a dilapidated building, said Janice Gundlach, Roseville’s community development director.Roseville社區發展主管Janice Gundlach說,CPC項目用舊的拖拉機拖車和破舊的建筑取代了一個“視覺受損”和受污染的場地。


The city is providing $2.2 million over 25 years, essentially in property-tax subsidies. Roseville and Ramsey County will provide $1.2 million in site-cleanup funds. And the state is providing up to $1 million in incentives that will be paid as CPC reaches agreed-upon hiring goals.該市在25年內提供了220萬美元,主要是物業稅補貼。羅斯維爾和拉姆齊縣將提供120萬美元的現場清理資金。國家將提供高達100萬美元的獎勵,這些獎勵將在中國共產黨達到商定的招聘目標時支付。


“The trailers have been moved and the buildings have been moved,” Gundlach said “The site is contaminated. And it’s getting cleaned up. This development allows that to happen.“This project has benefit for Roseville and Ramsey County and the state.”As public subsidy goes, this is neither the best deal nor the worst I have seen, particularly compared to sports stadiums that have negligible economic benefit.CPC pays relatively high wages. It’s taking advantage of what’s available. And every city, including Minneapolis and St. Paul, offers subsidies to desirable prospects.“拖車已被移動,建筑物也已被移動,”岡德拉赫說,“現場被污染了。它正在被清理。這種發展使得這種情況得以發生!斑@個項目對羅斯維爾、拉姆齊縣和州都有好處!闭绻惭a貼所說,這既不是好的交易,也不是我見過的糟糕的交易,特別是與經濟效益微不足道的體育場館相比,CPC支付的費用相對較高。H工資。它利用了現有的資源。每個城市,包括明尼阿波利斯和圣保羅,都為理想的前景提供補貼。


The company is a high-test manufacture of “quick disconnects,” or sterile connectors that bind plastic tubing for the transfer of vaccines, drugs or other liquids, including coolants that are less expensive than air conditioning to cool the equipment in huge “server farms” or data centers.“You can’t afford a leaky connector,” Wittmayer said. “We have an innovative product. We [serve] 51 submarkets. Some of them have hyper growth, such as biopharmaceuticals.”該公司是一家高度測試的“快速斷開”或無菌連接器的生產商,用于連接用于轉移疫苗、藥品或其他液體的塑料管,包括比空調便宜的冷卻液,以冷卻大型“服務器場”或數據中心的設備。維特梅爾說:“你買不起漏水的連接器!薄拔覀冇袆撔庐a品。我們[服務]51個子市場。其中一些具有高增長,如生物制藥!


CPC was established in 1978 in St. Paul, and named Colder in honor of Minnesota winters.The world-class provider of quick-disconnect couplings and fittings has sales offices in 10 countries and more than 200 distributor-partners around the globe.CPC said its connectors improve the overall functionality and design of the equipment and processes in which they are used.Its track record and success indicate it is a homegrown, value-added manufacturer serving growth markets with well-trained, well-compensated workers. CPC has produced over 10,500 products for fluid handling in industries worldwide.CPC成立于1978年,位于圣保羅,以紀念明尼蘇達冬季。世界一流的快速斷開連接器和配件供應商在全球10個國家和200多個經銷商合作伙伴設有銷售辦事處。CPC說,其連接器改善了整體功能。設備和工藝的性能和設計。其歷史記錄和成功表明,該公司是一家本土的增值制造商,為成長型市場提供訓練有素、薪酬豐厚的工人。CPC已經生產了10500多種用于流體處理的產品。


Parent company Dover posted earnings in 2018 of $570 million on $6.99 billion in revenue, compared with earnings of $812 million on $6.82 billion in revenue the previous year.

Neal St. Anthony has been a Star Tribune business columnist and reporter since 1984. He can be contacted at nstanthony@startribune.com.


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